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Zeal Youth Group

With the many pressures on today's youth and the countless temptations of the world, it is so important to understand and support what our young people face in their daily lives.


At Effective Life Church, we want teenagers to be all they can be without having to compromise being a Christian or their beliefs about Christ.

This is where Zeal comes in. We provide the opportunity for teens to learn about relevant topics within God's Word, whilst also having fun. We provide food, video games, and most of all, sound teaching. We also arrange trips out to the cinema so they can build relationships from within the group.


We want to be sure that teens receive the necessary support and guidance through these years, whether this is by giving them life advice based on the inerrant Word of God, to be a listening ear for them or just to have fun and allow them to relax on days out.


Being a teenager should be a fun experience for them and God wants to bless them through these years. We want a healthy and life-giving environment for all who visit or join us and for them to know  that they are accepted and loved. 


We also long to show the absolute importance of knowing God at such an age. Having Christ as their centre while they’re young will help them in making healthy decisions now and when they are older and come to even tougher life decisions.


We desire to see the Youth grow in confidence, grow in the Spirit, and grow in understanding the Word. It is important for the Youth of our generation to understand just how much God loves them, cares for them and that He has a marvellous plan for them. 


Zeal now meets every last Saturday of each month for those aged between 11-18 years old. If you would like to find out more about Zeal, feel free to drop an email:

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