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Pulse Groups 

The Heartbeat of the Church

Pulse Groups are our mid-week meetings, which take place in people's homes. We liken these meetings to a living body's pulse, which is the ripple or vibration of the heart beating. Doctors can tell the health of people's hearts by checking the pulse and when our heart stops beating, we are pronounced dead. 


Jesus said that He is the life. We want Pulse Groups to be a place of care, openness and fruit, where we can encourage each other and ensure we keep the heart of Jesus in all we do. Jesus is the heart of His church; so all the time we stay in sync with Christ Jesus, we know we are in a place of health.

Tony & Yomi Adeoye | Strood Group

Tony & Yomi oversee the Pulse Groups in Effective Life Church. They have a real passion for small groups and love seeing people grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God.


Having led small groups themselves in different churches over many years, Tony & Yomi not only coordinate the groups but are also planting new groups and equipping leaders. The aims of the groups are to help believers grow, to spend time in worship and build relationships on a deeper level than just a Sunday smile.


If you are interested in joining a group, see Tony & Yomi and they will introduce you to a group that will be best for you and your family.

Liam & Jo Anderson | Hoo Peninsula Group


Mike & Sandra Broad | Gravesend Group

The Medway Pulse Group meets on Wednesday evenings in Liam & Jo's home. The group comprises of people from the Medway area that attend Effective Life Church. We also have a new Pulse Group based in Gravesend, which is led by Mike & Sandra's Pulse Group on every first and third Tuesday morning from 10:30 AM.


When you attend a Pulse Group, the evening is made up of worship, the Word and fellowship, with a reliance of the leading of the Holy Spirit for direction. The aim of the group is to love and support one another despite the things life may throw, helping believers become disciples and to live and work effectively through life as a child of God.


There are also opportunities to meet with the Lord in prayer through the Pulse Group as we seek to deepen our relationship with God and with those around us. 


Effective Life Church's Pulse Groups are a place where people who love the Lord get together in homes to eat, fellowship, strengthen, build and encourage one another by studying the Bible. Pulse Groups bring together happy, fun-loving Christians, who desire to live the scripture in John 10:10, where Christ promises us abundant life.


Pulse Groups are the direct response to the daily grind of living. 2 Corinthians 2:11 states that we are not ignorant of how the devil works. People just want to be loved and appreciated, encouraged and assisted when the going gets tough. The devil, on the other hand, seeks to isolate people in order to depress and deflate and destroy them.


Pulse is there to ensure that instead of being swallowed up under the pressures of life, we are equipped to excel at living abundantly. Through the Pulse Groups, we seek to live our lives in accordance with the Bible, giving glory to God and lifting the name of Jesus above all else.

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